CTS Data Sets

Selected Data Sets

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Text Corpus Description

CTS Namespace

CTS Source

CELT - Corpus of Electronic Texts

CELT, the Corpus of Electronic Texts, is Ireland's longest running Humanities Computing project. It brings the wealth of Irish literary and historical culture to you on the Internet, for the use and benefit of everyone worldwide. It has a searchable online textbase consisting of over 18.5 million words, in 1620 contemporary and historical documents from many areas, including literature, medicine, and the other arts.

Project Website

celt Text Inventory

Digital Archives and Pacific Cultures

Voyage narratives of eighteenth-century European expeditions to the Pacific.

Project Website

dapc Text Inventory

Digital Muqtabas

An open, collaborative, and scholarly digital edition of Muhammad Kurd Ali's early Arabic periodical Majallat al-Muqtabas (1906--1917/18)

Project Website

muqtabas Text Inventory

German Political Speeches Corpus

Political speeches from the German Presidency and Chancellery, as gathered and republished by Adrien Barbaresi.

Project Website

german_speeches Text Inventory

Parallel Bible Corpus

Project Website

pbc Text Inventory


Project Website

greekLit & latinLit Text Inventory

Princeton Charrette Project

The Princeton Charrette Project is a complex, scholarly, multi-media electronic archive containing a medieval manuscript tradition—that of Chrétien de Troyes's Le Chevalier de la Charrette (Lancelot, ca. 1180).

Project Website

charrette Text Inventory

Saint Patrick's Confessio

These texts prove that St Patrick really existed, because they allow us to define the historical Patrick as the person who wrote them. This real St Patrick is thus the very first recordable individual that we can identify for certain in Ireland. On 14th September 2011 the Royal Irish Academy published his writings in a freely accessible form on line at www.confessio.ie, both in the original Latin and in a variety of modern languages (including Irish).

Project Website

stpatrick Text Inventory


Die Dokumente des Textgrid Repositories, ein Langzeitarchiv für geisteswissenschaftliche Forschungsdaten, liefert einen umfangreichen, durchsuch- und nachnutzbaren Bestand XML/TEI-kodierter Texte, Bilder und Datenbanken. Zum stetig wachsenden Bestand zählen mit der Digitalen Bibliothek von TextGrid heute z.B. Werke von rund 600 Autorinnen und Autoren deutschsprachiger Belletristik (Prosa, Lyrik, Dramen) und Sachliteratur von den Anfängen des Buchdrucks bis zum frühen 20. Jahrhundert, die in verschiedenen Ausgabeformaten (z.B. XML, ePub, PDF) gespeichert, publiziert und durchsucht werden können.

Project Website

tg Text Inventory

Thomas Gray Archive

The Thomas Gray Archive is a peer-reviewed digital archive and research project devoted to eighteenth-century poet, letter-writer, and scholar Thomas Gray (1716-1771), author of the acclaimed "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" (1751). Founded in 2000, the Archive's mission is to facilitate collaboration and to support the study, research, and teaching of Gray's life and works.

Project Website

gray Text Inventory

Voices of the Holocaust

The mission of Voices of the Holocaust project is to provide a permanent digital archive of digitized, restored, transcribed, and translated interviews with Holocaust survivors conducted by Dr. David P. Boder in 1946, so that they can be experienced by a global audience of students, researchers, historians, and the general public.

Project Website

voth Text Inventory